Fibromyalgia Pain - Take back control

Photo of clouds illustrates how using Dr. John Sarno’s mind-body techniques dissipates fibromyalgia pain.

‘As a sufferer of fibromyalgia for the past three years, I looked far and wide to find help.

‘You can find testimonials for miraculous improvement from just about everything from colostrum, animal livers, getting rid of chemicals in fruits and nuts, too much phosphate, too little glucosamine - too many iffy possibilities.

‘Finally, I found a book which explains in plain terms how emotions cause the release of certain chemicals into the body and in turn, how these chemicals affect your health.

‘This understanding of the mind-body connection has served to help me understand how my pain is triggered, and more importantly, how to control it.

‘By taking control of your thoughts, lifestyle, and state of mind, you also take back control of your life from a very real and very tenacious disease.’
